SERVICES  //  PRE IPO  //  Sales, Marketing and Promotion

Sales, Marketing and Promotion

China is the largest and fastest growing market in the world. What are the secrets of sales, marketing and promotion challenges in China? Here are some examples:
• Can your efficiently perform sales marketing and promotion in a localized multilingual context?
• What do you know about building your business in China?
• Do you know how to reach your potential Chinese clients?
• Do you know how to keep them and make them come back for more?
• Can your localize your brands and values in China?
• Can you manage the marketing risk in a localized multilingual context?
• Have you explored exactly how to build and maintain a viable business in China?
• Do you know how to sell your products and services in China?
• Can you market, promote, publicize, advertise, appear in the Chinese media?
• Do you need access temporary sales, marketing, and promotion resources?

On top of these challenges, doing business in China is even more confusing! Complex and changing regulations create uncertainty. Chinese government agencies require perfectly filled in application forms in Chinese, else you will perceive China as bureaucratic and time-consuming. Finally, with customers in China you need to ask “Do customer understand my sales, marketing, and promotional efforts?

Your Solutions

What does this mean to you? Let us take care of your sales, marketing, and promotion process. We master this multilingual context, from market research and analysis, market segmentation and target markets to making explicit sales pitches. Our market power is such that you'll also need us to help answering questions , sending quotations and maybe samples. You just sit back and receive timely reports tailored to your specification. Once you stand established, you can additionally let us perform customer satisfaction and consumer behavior studies.

We pitch or outright sell your products and services in China, both tangible and intangible. The process of selling involves getting acquainted, assessing needs, the value of your items, and determining if your items are worth the price.

Our marketing resources communicate the value of your products and services to customers and consumers. We provide an outsourced or on demand organizational marketing function in China, and processes for creating, delivering and communicating your value proposition to customer and customers in China.
• Market analysis
• Market segmentation
• Target markets
• Customer and consumer behavior
• Satisfaction studies

The three basic objectives of promotion are:
• To present information to customers and consumers 
• To increase demand
• To differentiate products and services

Our promotional tactics include
• Arranging testimonials
• Sponsoring events
• Arranging seminars
• Announcing news
• Conducting surveys
• Suggesting a standpoint

Your Benifits

How can you beat that? Want evidence?

We guarantee that our sales, marketing and promotion services dramatically affect your Chinese business. We guarantee not only increased turnover, but also that your way of working will improve.

You benefit from sales, marketing, promotion, publicity, media and advertising secrets that only the highest level marketers, business owners and entrepreneurs in China have understood and implemented. We influence the way you interact, your types of relationships and provide an enormous market power.

We have created competitive sales, marketing, and promotion processes and help build relationships. In addition, we have also created a competitive environment and put much emphasis upon scores and results. But growth is a creative non-linear process, sometimes happens after inefficient procrastination moments. Therefore, we provide and help you understand these soft information as well.